Learning RSS Properly

Learn to create an RSS feed to make it easier to share your web content.

The original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can communicate through sharing information.

Tim Berners-Lee

Introduction to RSS

RSS is an open standard for sharing notifications, updates, and announcements about your website and content. I’ve tried to break the concepts out into digestible chunks so that you will have an easier time remembering how it all fits together and have an easier time in building out your own RSS feed.

  1. What is RSS?
  2. Why Publish an RSS Feed?
  3. What is a Feed Reader?
  4. Understanding XML for RSS
  5. Building an RSS Feed
  6. Enhancing an RSS Feed Channel
  7. Enhancing an RSS Feed Item
  8. Extending an RSS Feed With Namespaced Elements
  9. Styling an RSS Feed
  10. Promoting an RSS Feed
  11. RSS Feeds on The HTML Hobbyist