Head Elements

Elements placed in the <head> element mostly consist of meta-data, or links to additional files to give the page additional functionality beyond HTML. They don’t actually appear in the HTML page.


Displays the title of the page in the browser tab.

<title>HTML Hobbyist</title>

Metadata element

If the emphasis element contains a language other than the primary language of the document, then it’s a good practice to add the lang attribute to the element that designates the proper language.

<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, World Wide Web, WWW, Web Design, Web Development">

Common metadata attributes are charset, http-equiv, name, content.

The set of characters that the browser should use to display the page.
The set of characters that the browser should use to display the page.
The set of characters that the browser should use to display the page.
Provides directions equivalent to an http header. This can include information about when the page was created, when it expires, caching information, cookie information, or security information. It can also allow you to perform actions such as page redirects or page refreshes.

Common metadata values of the name attribute are keywords, description, and viewport.

A list of comma separated words relating to the page.
A brief description of the contents of the page. Sometimes used as a summary by search engines.
Directions to the device on how to display the page.

The <link> element links to other resources required for the page. Usually CSS, font, or icon files. It is not related to the <a> element.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles.css" media="screen" />