
In your day to day web development, you will find yourself working with large blocks of text. CSS properties that give you greater control over the typographic elements of your text.


The text-align property allows you to align the contents of the elemnet to the left, right, center, or to be justified.

Sample aligned text

Text Decoration

text-decoration: underline;

The lazy ex-developer quickly uses GIFs, HTML, CSS, and JS on the World Wide Web.

Underlined text.
text-decoration: none;
Text decoration removed from link.

text-decoration: none; is often used to remove the default underline on links.

Text Transform

Acceptable values are: uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize.

text-transform: uppercase;

The lazy ex-developer quickly uses GIFs, HTML, CSS, and JS on the World Wide Web.

Sentence case text, transformed to UPPERCASE.

Line Height

Also called leading in typography (as in the thin strips of the metal lead that were used to space lines of text). It sets the distance between your non-breaking lines of text. Values can be any unit, or an integer. Using rems can give you more precise control.

Sample line height

Letter Spacing

Also called kerning in typography it adjusts the spacing between characters.

Sample letter spacing

Word Spacing

Adjusts the spacing between words.

word-spacing: 1rem;

The lazy ex-developer quickly uses GIFs, HTML, CSS, and JS on the World Wide Web.

Normal text with a tripled line height.

White Space

Often used to set the text so that it doesn’t wrap.

Sample white space

First Letter & First Line Pseudo-elements

The :first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements allow you to make typographic changes to the first letter or the first line of an element, without adding additional HTML code. The :first-letter will change the first character (and sometimes additional characters like quotation marks. The The :first-line will only change the text up to the first line break, regardless of how wide the line is, or if it changes.

Sample page showing a drop cap


Font Size

The default font size for web browsers is 16px. I think that’s too small, and prefer to set my page’s default font size to 20px.

Set a scale for the sizes of your fonts. The <h1> element usually being the largest, and the <p> element usually being the smallest, though sometimes smaller text is used for footnotes and legal disclaimers.

Fonts can be measured in a variety of units, but pixel, em, and rem are most common. A pixel is a single dot on a screen. An em unit is the size of the letter m, but is equal to 16px. A rem unit stands for root em. It’s the size of the document set at the root element, usually with the :root or html selector.

You can use any standard units as described under Unit Values.

Type Scale

Changing the font size for the various headers allows you to create a typographic scale, with the more important headers gathering more attention.

Sample page showing tyopography scale

Font Weight

font-weight: bold;

The lazy ex-developer quickly uses GIFs, HTML, CSS, and JS on the World Wide Web.

Normal text with a bold font-weight.

Font Style

font-style: italic;

The lazy ex-developer quickly uses GIFs, HTML, CSS, and JS on the World Wide Web.

Normal text with an italic font style.

Font Family

Web Safe Fonts

Basic font font groups in CSS are:

In a monospace font, every character is the same width.
(Sans, meaning “without”).

A font name that has a space in it is required to be in quotes.

font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
font-family: 'Brush Script MT', 'Lucida Calligraphy', cursive;
font-family: Papyrus, Herculanum, fantasy;
Example font-family declarations.
Sample page with Web Safe Fonts

Cursive and Fantasy fonts are often so different from one another that these fallback settings are usually worthless.